Moon Garden – Andrew Thornton Challenge

I managed to snag another one of Andrew Thornton’s challenge kits. This one is called “Moon Garden”. As soon as I saw the teaser pictures for the kit, I knew I wanted to include a beaded bead. I chose to make the “Easiest Beaded Bead”, which I learned in a class from Paulette Rosner Baron eons ago.

The first snag I hit was that I needed 16 of 8 different kinds of small beads. I won’t tell you how much time I spent picking through the Luxury Bead Blend. Suffice it to say that I finally came up with enough of ’em to make the bead.

moon garden mix

The next snag I hit was that, while this may be the easiest beaded bead, it wasn’t so easy for someone who hadn’t made it in eons. Maybe nearly 20 years? Yikes. It speaks to the quality of Paulette’s instructions that I finally managed to get it right. It also speaks to my persistence. (Or stubbornness, if you prefer.) Here’s a shot of the beaded bead.

beaded bead

Exhausted after my bout with the easiest beaded bead, I elected to just string it in a simple necklace.


It was while stringing the necklace that I realized I had omitted to consider including the mystery component. Sorry, Andrew!

To make up for that, I’m giving the mystery component it’s own glamour shot.
mystery component

Visit Andrew’s blog here to see what other participants made:

9 Responses to Moon Garden – Andrew Thornton Challenge

  1. Alice says:

    Beautiful! I love your beadwork


  2. Kari Asbury says:

    Beautiful work! Your beaded bead is lovely.


  3. beadingpaula says:

    You get extra points for level of difficulty! I know what you mean about not making something for awhile – but your bead and your necklace came out beautifully!


  4. I never would have had the patience with those little beads and I commend you on your persistence. It all looks wonderful!


  5. beadlove says:

    I love your beaded bead and the necklace you made with it. I love picking through the luxury blend!


  6. Tammy Bowman says:

    I love the beaded bead. The necklace is beautifully organic with the mix of gemstones and glass beads that you chose.


  7. What a great piece! I love that you took the beads and made your own bead! I also love that you didn’t give up! Good job! Thank you so much for participating in the challenges!


  8. Great Job on your beaded bead! It looks perfect with the necklace you made.


  9. Cat says:

    What a pity, such a beautiful mystery component! The necklace looks great without it, though!


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